World Map

Location of Frank N. Harmon's Ancestors 1832-1841
Location of Lillie Esplin's ancestors 1836-1850
Convergence of Families on the Harmon Side 1832-1841
Convergence of Families on the Esplin Side 1836-1850
Birthplace of George Cannon and Ann Quayle1794-98
Marriage Place of George and Ann Quayle 1825
Birthplace of John Esplin 1829
Esplin Family Moved to Lochee 1829
George and Ann Quayle Cannon Left England 1842
John Esplin's Route from Dundee to Liverpool 1850
John Esplin Left England 1850
Henry and Ann Rigby Webster Left England 1850
Frank N. Harmon Stationed Near Bordeaux,France in World War 1 1918
Frank N. Harmon Sailed Down the Gironde River on His Way Home 1918